Words To Live By (What’s in A Word?) Posters, Banners, Signs and Apparel

What’s in a word? Humanity, Compassion, Kindness, Respect, Acceptance. These are just words, but if we don’t live by them they have very little worth. Take a look at some of the posters, yard signs and apparel that I have created to spread the message of understanding that we are all equal. That we are women, children and men.

 I know this is a huge world and sometimes we think our words are not heard or our positive actions go unnoticed. Words To Live By will hopefully change one’s mind that may lead to another. Share the word and let’s see what kind of changes we can make. Because we the people have the power, we just don’t use it. No matter how big or small we can make it happen. Take the challenge and let’s make change.

To have Peace in the World, we have to Peace with each other.

I Love You All! (Pray for Peace)

Glenn M. Atkins

Personal Trainer/Activist

My name is Glenn M. Atkins, I am a certified Personal Trainer, and activist who believes that to heal-thy mind body and spirit is to heal-thy self through exercise, good nutrition and  peace of mind. Striving to only visit our doctors for Well checks instead of healing.

I have been in the fitness industry for over 35 years and have trained people of all walks of life. During this time what I have learned is, that we all carry the key to good health but, the problem is we can't seem too unlock our minds to get to that point of success because, we think we have to be perfect to make it happen. We can strive for perfection but it's a goal that is very difficult to achieve. But what we can achieve are results, because as long as we keep trying, we will always achieve something.

What comes with good health is peace of mind, that creates confidence, that gives a greater potential for success.

Outside of my passion health and fitness, I am a strong believer in knowing the difference between right and wrong when it comes to how people should be treated, and that is with compassion and equality.  “We should not prejudge based  on what you may have been led to believe,  but decide on the facts  that you know.” 

On October 25th 2023 between the time of 6:56 pm and 7:30 pm, Lewiston, Me. suffered a heinous crime when a shooter took the lives of 18 residents who were out doing what they typically do in their lives. 13 others were injured, and will mentally and physically be scarred. Out of this tragedy, like so many others, it brings people together to support one another. But after a time separate again. Troubled times should not be the only reason for us to get along. 


Often words are created or a small phrase like “Boston Strong” or of late “Lewiston Strong.” We even have America Strong, but what does it mean to you? What is the interpretation? I have created poems out of the letters of these words that I believe will go a long way to healing. It’s not enough to just say the word, it has to be read.

Posters, banners, signs and even apparel isa very unique way of spreading messages. My messages are clear Be kind to yourself and others. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of others. We are living in an unprecedented time, but we cannot let what happening take away the good things we or thing we all share…..this space. In case you didn’t notice, it’s big enough for us all. Hopefully these messages will resonate and serve as a reminder that we should Celebrate  that we share this world and all of the treasures that it offers for exploration. Celebrate the places and things you see and are capable to do.  Celebrate the people you meet and have met on your journey. In other words celebrate each other." We are all on borrowed time, let’s not waste it.

I Love You All!

GAFrontburner Fitness

GA FrontBurner Fitness

134 Main Street, Lewiston ME 04240

Appointment Only